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OWASP Sign-up Process

Verify OWASP Email Address

To start the registration process, go to https://appsecphoenix.cloud/signup/owasp and enter your OWASP email address. As you can see the domain is set in the form and can’t be modified.

A pop-up confirmation message will appear to confirm that the email was not registered already and that an email address verification email has been sent to your address.

At the same time the registration form will move to the second step, where it shows a field for you to enter the verification code.

Please check your Inbox (and Spam folder) for the email with the verification code, then enter it in the corresponding field. If you haven’t received the email with the verification code after a few minutes, there is a link in the form to resend the code.

Once you enter the verification code a final sign-up form will appear which you have to complete in order to provide your details and to accept Phoenix Security’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Complete Registration Form

Once you complete the registration process you will receive two emails. One is a welcome email, and the second one contains your username and one-time password (OTP) to log in to Phoenix Security.

You can follow the instructions in the email (similar to the one shown below) to log in for the first time.

Log into Phoenix Security

The login screen is show below:

The first time that you log in the system will request that you change your password. 

Start Exploring Phoenix Security’s Features

Now that you are logged in to Phoenix Security you can start integrating with your scanners and creating Applications and Environments.

Alternatively, you can load the provided Demo Data and see the platform’s features at work throughout Phoenix Security’s user interface.

Updated on December 16, 2022
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